


Due to the work category, Mr. Wang who is 45 has to take long drive. Many days ago, he takes three days drive. When he comes back, he finds that his scrotum is painful. He also has the symptoms of chills, fever. So he was send to hospital that he has acute epididymitis.

Why Mr. Wang has acute epididymitis? As is known that acute epididymitis is one of the most common male genital diseases. And long time sitting is the remote cause. Men’s scrotum stays in a pressure state when sitting. Moreover, the long time sitting slow down the blood circulation and make epididymis congestion, causing acute epididymitis.

The early symptoms of acute epididymitis are scrotum pain, dulling pain which has affection on movement. They also can experience fever. So patients can use ice bag to low down the temperature.

In order to avoid it develops into chronic type, so timely treatment is necessary. But because the relapse rate is high when treated with antibiotic, so several times later, the rate of developing into chronic type is increasing too. Since antibiotic is bad, what patients can take? If you are interested in herbal medicine, you may want to try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill has no side-effect, no drug resistance, it also can promote blood circulation, clear away heat and toxic materials, dissipate hard lumps, dissolve stasis and release pain, so both types of epididymitis can be cured within three months totally.

 article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Epididymitis/2013/0803/100.html



In clinic, epididymal cyst commonly occurs in caput epididymidis, so it is also known as cyst of caput epididymidis. And when suffering from this disease, men are likely to get infertility because epididymis is an important male reproductive organ. Currently, many patients are prone to choose surgery treatment for this. Experts explain, surgery can indeed remove the cyst directly, but postoperative recovery is also very important.  
In general, epididymal cyst is able to be removed through the surgery, and the result is obvious. However, in fact, if the patient has psychological barriers to the surgery, they are risk of being infected. Besides, if the patient isn’t able to choose a reliable hospital and a seasoned doctor, the chance of being infected is increased. What is worse, if the size of the cyst is too small, the surgery will not make it removed and it will grow bigger to threaten men’s health.
For these reasons, postoperative recovery is important even if the surgery treatment is taken. 
In this case, patients can take drug therapies to prevent the postoperative infection. In Western medicine, antibiotics can kill some bacteria but it cannot make the left cyst dissolve, so it isn’t a good choice for patient, while the TCM has been accepted by more and more patients for the postoperative recovery, especially the national patented herbal pill - diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill
The herbal medicine can not only kill the bacteria but also dissolve the left cyst by the surgery. It works effectively on the postoperative infection. Besides, if the cyst is too small, and there is no need to remove it, the herbal medicine can indeed cure it. The effect is recognized by many patients. 
In a word, epididymal cyst isn’t as terrible as imagined. In fact, it is curable if the patient chooses the right treatment. Commonly, if the cyst is smaller than 5cm, the patient can choose the herbal medicine.; if the cyst is larger than 5cm, the patient can choose the surgery treatment first, and then take the herbal medicine to get a radically cure. 
Besides, to prevent the postoperative infection, the patient should eat some light food, avoid sex, and pay attention to the hygiene.


Commonly, when suffering from urethritis, women will classify it as gynecological disease. And after menopause, the chances of suffering from gynecological diseases will be reduced, so they think that the chances of suffering from urethritis can also be reduced. However, in fact, this argument is biased. Women are likely to suffer from urethritis after menopause. Then, how to treat urethritis for postmenopausal women? 

To know the treatment of this disease, firstly, patients need to be aware of the causes of the illness. 
In general, a lot of women will appear menopause phenomenon when they are over 45 years old, then they enter menopause. The menopause period lasts 10 – 20 years, during this period, due to the reduced secretion of sex hormones, the ovarian function will decline, leading to urogenital atrophy. Therefore, women are easy to appear the symptoms like vaginal dryness, itching, sexual difficulties, etc. At this time, vagina is easy to be invaded by the bacteria and inflammation, finally vaginitis can be caused. Besides, female genital organs are very close, the infections are likely to spread to the urinary tract organs, resulting in urethritis. 
When having the symptoms like frequency, urgency, burning sensation, many patients may choose frequently-used anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve these symptoms. In fact, at this time, patients should take a routine urianlysis and secretions culture to confirm the pathogens of the urethritis. 
If the disease is caused by reduced hormone, hormone therapy is necessary. As hormone is the main regulator of reproductive tract, it can effectively ease a lot of discomforts to some degree.
If the disease is caused by the bacteria, chlamydia, gonorrhoeae and mycoplasma, antibiotics are commonly used to treat the illness. However, after the menopause, with the declined function of human body, the functions of liver and kidney will be reduced as well. And as antibiotics can bring damage to liver and kidney, it isn’t a good choice for postmenopausal women with urethritis.
According to the medical report, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) is accepted by more and more patients. Take the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for example, the herbal medicine has strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect, it can effectively kill the pathogens like bacteria, virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonorrhoeae, etc. Besides, it has functions like promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria, it can eliminate the symptoms of frequency and urgency. What is more, the herbal medicine is made from natural herbs; it is safe and without drug resistance and side effect to liver and kidney.
To sum up, if women have urethritis after menopause, they can choose the TCM to get cure. Besides, in the daily life, they should pay attention to food hygiene and take moderate exercise to enhance their immunity.


Orchitis, a cause of infertility, commonly is caused by bacterial or virus infection. As is known, the testicle is the factory of sperm. And once the factory is infected and without timely treatment, men’s reproductive ability can be affected greatly. Therefore, how to cure the orchitis also becomes the top concern of orchitis patients. Then how does the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a herbal pill that is accepted by more and more orchitis patients, work on this disease?

Orchitis can be classified into acute and chronic two types. Acute orchitis is caused by spreading bacteria like E.coil via blood circulation, while the chronic orchitis commonly develops from acute specific orchitis. As for the symptoms, typical symptoms are pain on testicle which commonly can radiate to the thigh and swelling of testicle. 
In the view of TCM, the sluggish blood circulation and toxic materials are the major causes of orchitis, therefore, to cure the orchitis, functions like promoting blood circulation and clearing away heat and toxic materials are needed.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has a strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect
As I mentioned before, the orchitis commonly is caused by bacterial or virus infection, and the herbal pill - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has a strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect. Therefore, no matter what type of bacteria or pathogenic microorganism the cause is, it can be cleared away by this herbal pill. Moreover, no drug resistance makes this herbal pill suitable for a long time taking even there is no need. 
Activating blood and resolving stasis are the second function of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill
Since the sluggish blood circulation is also a cause of orchitis, activating blood circulation is necessary. Herbs like Safflower in Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can activate blood and resolve stasis, so the congestion can be eliminated and symptoms like swelling can be eased too. What’s more, this function can also shorten the treating time because it has channel ushering drug which can lead the effective herbs working on lesion area directly.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can also improve immunity and self-healing ability
It is hard for testicle to be attacked by infection if men have strong immunity. What’s more, the damaged testicle also need some time to recovery, so man needs to improve the immunity and self-healing ability. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill also has the function that every TCM pill has - improving immunity and self-healing ability. So the improved immune system can prevent invasions of bacteria and other bad materials, and the improved self -healing ability can shorten the healing time and release pain.


Prostatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland, a walnut-sized gland located directly below the bladder in men. Common size of prostatitis is 432, men with larger size may have a bigger gland. The prostate gland produces fluid (semen) that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostatitis often causes painful or difficult urination. Other symptoms of prostatitis include pain in the groin, pelvic area or genitals, and sometimes, flu-like symptoms.

What are prostatitis types?

There are four types of prostatitis:

Acute bacterial prostatitis is a bacterial infection of the prostate gland that requires urgent medical treatment. It is the least common of the four types and its potentially life-threatening. Fortunately, it is the easiest to diagnose and treat effectively.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis is a bacterial infection that occurs repeatedly, it occurs when bacteria find a spot on the prostate where they can survive. Treatment with antimicrobials do not always cure this condition.

Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis is the most common form of prostatitis. It may be found in men of any age. Its symptoms go away and then returns without warning, and it may be inflammatory or noninflammatory.

Chronis prostate pain syndrome(CPPS) is the diagnose given when the patient does not complain of pain or discomfort but has infection-fighting cells in his prostate fluid and semen. It usually is found in prostate cancer tests.

What are prostatitis causes?

Bacterial infections cause only about 5%-10% of cases of prostatitis. In the other 90%-95%, due to chronic pelvic pain syndrome or asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis described above, the cause is not known. Prostate infectious agents are as follows for both acute and chronic infectious prostatitis:

- Escherichia coli (E coli) is the bacterium most often the cause of prostate infections and approximately 80% of the bacterial pathogens are gram-negative organisms (for example, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, and Proteus species).

- Sexually transmitted disease-causing organisms also may cause infectious prostatitis especially in sexually active men under 35 years of age; the most usually identified organisms are Chlamydia, Neisseria, Trichomonas, and Ureaplasma.

- Rarely staphylococcal and streptococcal organisms have been found to be the cause, and infrequently different organisms such as fungi, genital viruses, and parasites have been implicated.

- The infectious agent (usually bacteria) may invade the prostate in two main ways.
The bacteria from a previous urethral infection move through prostatic ducts into the prostate (occasionally termed retrograde infection).

- Movement of infected urine into the glandular prostate tissue can infect via ejaculatory ducts (occasionally termed antegrade infection).

Infectious organisms, as previously stated, cause two of the four main types of prostatitis; acute infectious prostatitis and chronic infectious prostatitis.

You are at higher risk for getting prostatitis if you:
- Recently have had a medical instrument, such as a urinary catheter (a soft, lubricated tube used to drain urine from the bladder) inserted during a medical procedure
- Engage in rectal intercourse
- Have an abnormal urinary tract
- Have had a recent bladder infection
- Have an enlarged prostate

What are prostatitis symptoms?

Prostatitis can cause many symptoms, including the following:
- Difficult or painful urination
- Frequent/urgent urination
- Fever
- Low-back pain
- Pain in the penis, testicles or perineum (the area between the testicles and the anus)
- Pain with/after ejaculation
- Inability to get an erection
- Decreased interest in sex

How is prostatitis diagnosed?

Diagnosing prostatitis involves ruling out other conditions that may be causing your symptoms and determining what kind of prostatitis you have. Diagnosis may include the following:

Questions from your doctor. Your doctor will want to know about your medical history and your symptoms. You may be asked to fill out a questionnaire that can help your doctor make a diagnosis and see whether treatment is working.

Physical examination. Your doctor will examine your abdomen and genitals and will likely preform a digital rectal examination (DRE). During a digital rectal exam, your doctor will gently insert a lubricated, gloved finger into your rectum. Your doctor will be able to feel the surface of the prostate and judge whether it is enlarged, tender or inflamed.

Blood culture. This test is used to see whether there are signs of infection in your blood.
Urine and semen test. Your doctor may want to examine samples of your urine or semen for signs of infection. In some cases, the doctor may take a series of samples before, during and after massaging your prostate with a lubricated, gloved finger.

Examination with a viewing scope (cystoscopy). Your doctor may use an instrument called a cystoscope to examine the urethra and bladder. A cystoscope is a small tube with a light and magnifying lens or camera that's inserted through the urethra and into the bladder. This test is used to rule out other conditions that could be causing your symptoms.

Bladder tests (urodynamic tests). Your doctor may order one or more of these tests, which are used to check how well you can empty your bladder. This can help your doctor understand how much prostatitis is affecting your ability to urinate.

How is prostatitis treated?

Treatments vary among urologists and are tailored to the type of prostatitis you have. Correct diagnosis is crucial and treatments vary. It's important to make sure your symptoms are not caused by urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) or some other condition that may lead to permanent bladder or kidney damage.

Treatments can include:

- Anti-inflammatory medicines along with warm sitz baths (sitting in two to three inches of warm water). This is the most conservative treatment for chronic prostatitis.

- Antibiotic medicine for infectious prostatitis. These drugs are not effective treatments for noninfectious prostatitis. For acute infectious prostatitis, patients usually need to take antibiotic medicine for 14 days. Almost all acute infections can be cured with this treatment.

- For chronic infectious prostatitis, antibiotic medicine is taken for a longer period of time, usually four to 12 weeks. About 75% of all cases of chronic infectious prostatitis clear up with this treatment. For cases that don't, taking antibiotics at a low dose for a long time may be recommended to relieve the symptoms.

- Alpha blockers. These medications help relax the bladder neck and the muscle fibers where your prostate joins your bladder. This treatment may lessen symptoms, such as painful urination. Examples include tamsulosin (Flomax), terazosin (Hytrin), alfuzosin (Uroxatral) and doxazosin (Cardura). Common side effects include headaches and a decrease in blood pressure.

- Pain medications.

- Muscle relaxants.

- Surgical removal of the infected portions of the prostate. A doctor may advise this treatment for severe cases of chronic prostatitis or for men whose swollen prostate is blocking the flow of urine.

- Herbal medicines.

- Supportive therapies for chronic prostatitis, including stool softeners and prostate massage.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Health_Conditions/46.html
