


Commonly, when suffering from urethritis, women will classify it as gynecological disease. And after menopause, the chances of suffering from gynecological diseases will be reduced, so they think that the chances of suffering from urethritis can also be reduced. However, in fact, this argument is biased. Women are likely to suffer from urethritis after menopause. Then, how to treat urethritis for postmenopausal women? 

To know the treatment of this disease, firstly, patients need to be aware of the causes of the illness. 
In general, a lot of women will appear menopause phenomenon when they are over 45 years old, then they enter menopause. The menopause period lasts 10 – 20 years, during this period, due to the reduced secretion of sex hormones, the ovarian function will decline, leading to urogenital atrophy. Therefore, women are easy to appear the symptoms like vaginal dryness, itching, sexual difficulties, etc. At this time, vagina is easy to be invaded by the bacteria and inflammation, finally vaginitis can be caused. Besides, female genital organs are very close, the infections are likely to spread to the urinary tract organs, resulting in urethritis. 
When having the symptoms like frequency, urgency, burning sensation, many patients may choose frequently-used anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve these symptoms. In fact, at this time, patients should take a routine urianlysis and secretions culture to confirm the pathogens of the urethritis. 
If the disease is caused by reduced hormone, hormone therapy is necessary. As hormone is the main regulator of reproductive tract, it can effectively ease a lot of discomforts to some degree.
If the disease is caused by the bacteria, chlamydia, gonorrhoeae and mycoplasma, antibiotics are commonly used to treat the illness. However, after the menopause, with the declined function of human body, the functions of liver and kidney will be reduced as well. And as antibiotics can bring damage to liver and kidney, it isn’t a good choice for postmenopausal women with urethritis.
According to the medical report, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) is accepted by more and more patients. Take the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for example, the herbal medicine has strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect, it can effectively kill the pathogens like bacteria, virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonorrhoeae, etc. Besides, it has functions like promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria, it can eliminate the symptoms of frequency and urgency. What is more, the herbal medicine is made from natural herbs; it is safe and without drug resistance and side effect to liver and kidney.
To sum up, if women have urethritis after menopause, they can choose the TCM to get cure. Besides, in the daily life, they should pay attention to food hygiene and take moderate exercise to enhance their immunity.

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