


A lot of people that have prostatitis, ascribe to oneself masturbation habit, actually proper masturbation has effect of prevention and cure to prostatitis!

The doctor knows, husband and wife is long-term substation, interrupt sexual intercourse, bear essence of life to be not shot, meet those who bring about prostatitis to happen. And have a kind of conversation I think everybody has listened, masturbate for a long time, perhaps masturbate transfer, can bring about prostatitis. However, this is kind of full of prunes view, this is to had not sufferred higher education to perhaps had not accepted medicine to teach the doctor that perhaps knows bit of fur again to just be met some thoughts. Thought to explain superficial knowledge, it is an expert, this is completely in misdirect everybody, everybody also need not worry about troubles of one’s own imagining, so I will to everybody define why won’t bring about prostatitis about masturbating instead conduce prevents and cure.
Masturbation already was limitted to be one of human normality behavior, this is in male crowd particularly general, so masturbation is not abnormal absolutely. Alleged masturbation is excessive the formulation that also is a kind of palter. Person body has an ego to protect a mechanism, no matter you do what thing, once exceeded physiology limit, body nature is met make response. Resemble ran, if the body allows you to run only 3000 meters, you also ran to be not moved again to 3000 meters of above. Masturbation also is this truth, want you to be able to erect only, can ejaculate, that is not excessive. However, a normal man, after ejaculation, erect very hard again quickly, also won’t cause unending congestion. Every time when the gender is excited, prostate and seminal vesicle produce high hyperaemia, till ejaculation hind ability can return to normal gradually, if prostatitis patient does not have the phenomenon that sexual life also did not masturbate for long, do not have ejaculation behavior completely, just goes against the elimination of prostatitis symptom, instead, proper masturbation conduces to the rehabilitation of prostatitis. Without the person of prostatitis, and below the condition that does not have sexual spouse, can return precaution through masturbating, is this why? Because the prostate fluid in seminal fluid occupies 1/3 about,this is, in the process that discharges essence of life, the secretion of partial phlogistic sex in gland fluid also is met subsequently eduction, be beneficial to the metabolism of the dredge of prostate conduit and gland fluid. So, expert expert thinks, normal masturbation has certain active sense, to the prostatitis patient of maiden male, and married man because husband and wife is short-term live apart, be away on official business, cannot go up too from the reason such as different, bereft of one’s spouse the patient that normal husband and wife lives, proper masturbation has profit. We regard measurable masturbation the sexual life of husband and wife of moderate pattern here.
Masturbate for a long time besides or masturbation is frequent person, masturbation is not the inducement that brings about prostatitis directly, if be long-term and frequent masturbation, organ of can exciting reproduction often is in bloodshot condition, those who cause pudenda or cystic division is unwell, nephritic disease is sent, and go to the lavatory again in bloodshot condition transmission move of the bacterium, move toward bloodshot area, so ability can bring about prostatitis.
Expert warmth hints: Measurable masturbation has certain profit, in addition, do not indulge sexual life, as far as possible abstinence of smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline, avoid to eat hot food, do not want hold back make water, do motion to enhance strength more, the life that lets you has the law more, the body that invites you is more healthy.


Acute bacterial prostatitis is the easiest of the three conditions to diagnose because it comes on suddenly and the symptoms require quick medical attention. Not only will you have urinary problems, you may also have a fever and pain and, occasionally, visible blood in your urine. Your urine may be cloudy, and microscopic examination of the urine specimen will be loaded with white blood cells and bacteria.


If you don't have had prostatitis before, you may not know what prostatitis it, let alone how many types this disease have. Actually, prostatitis is a disease occurs on prostate gland. This disease can happen on men at all ages except young boy. Prostatitis has four common types which are acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis, chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and Chronic prostate pain syndrome(CPPS). Since prostatitis has so many types, how to diagnose which types you are involved?


Symptom is the major hit. Although most of symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis and chronic bacterial prostatitis are same, symptoms of acute type happen quickly and badly. Those symptoms in acute type commonly last for weeks and can be cured by antibiotic easily. If it is chronic bacterial type, the symptoms commonly last for week and even months. Chronic type patients cannot experience fever and chills which only belong to acute type.


If you don't have any types, which is possible, you should choose other ways to make a diagnosis. You can go to hospital to take some tests such as DRE, semen test and so on.


Although antibiotic can cure all types of prostatitis, herbal medicine named Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is one of the best choice. This pill not only can reduce symptoms but also can enhance immunity system. Commonly, three months treatment is enough. What's more, the relapse rate of this disease is very low too because of the enhanced immunity system.

source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20131018/509.html


Due to the work category, Mr. Wang who is 45 has to take long drive. Many days ago, he takes three days drive. When he comes back, he finds that his scrotum is painful. He also has the symptoms of chills, fever. So he was send to hospital that he has acute epididymitis.

Why Mr. Wang has acute epididymitis? As is known that acute epididymitis is one of the most common male genital diseases. And long time sitting is the remote cause. Men’s scrotum stays in a pressure state when sitting. Moreover, the long time sitting slow down the blood circulation and make epididymis congestion, causing acute epididymitis.

The early symptoms of acute epididymitis are scrotum pain, dulling pain which has affection on movement. They also can experience fever. So patients can use ice bag to low down the temperature.

In order to avoid it develops into chronic type, so timely treatment is necessary. But because the relapse rate is high when treated with antibiotic, so several times later, the rate of developing into chronic type is increasing too. Since antibiotic is bad, what patients can take? If you are interested in herbal medicine, you may want to try Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill has no side-effect, no drug resistance, it also can promote blood circulation, clear away heat and toxic materials, dissipate hard lumps, dissolve stasis and release pain, so both types of epididymitis can be cured within three months totally.

 article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Epididymitis/2013/0803/100.html


In clinic, epididymal cyst commonly occurs in caput epididymidis, so it is also known as cyst of caput epididymidis. And when suffering from this disease, men are likely to get infertility because epididymis is an important male reproductive organ. Currently, many patients are prone to choose surgery treatment for this. Experts explain, surgery can indeed remove the cyst directly, but postoperative recovery is also very important.  
In general, epididymal cyst is able to be removed through the surgery, and the result is obvious. However, in fact, if the patient has psychological barriers to the surgery, they are risk of being infected. Besides, if the patient isn’t able to choose a reliable hospital and a seasoned doctor, the chance of being infected is increased. What is worse, if the size of the cyst is too small, the surgery will not make it removed and it will grow bigger to threaten men’s health.
For these reasons, postoperative recovery is important even if the surgery treatment is taken. 
In this case, patients can take drug therapies to prevent the postoperative infection. In Western medicine, antibiotics can kill some bacteria but it cannot make the left cyst dissolve, so it isn’t a good choice for patient, while the TCM has been accepted by more and more patients for the postoperative recovery, especially the national patented herbal pill - diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill
The herbal medicine can not only kill the bacteria but also dissolve the left cyst by the surgery. It works effectively on the postoperative infection. Besides, if the cyst is too small, and there is no need to remove it, the herbal medicine can indeed cure it. The effect is recognized by many patients. 
In a word, epididymal cyst isn’t as terrible as imagined. In fact, it is curable if the patient chooses the right treatment. Commonly, if the cyst is smaller than 5cm, the patient can choose the herbal medicine.; if the cyst is larger than 5cm, the patient can choose the surgery treatment first, and then take the herbal medicine to get a radically cure. 
Besides, to prevent the postoperative infection, the patient should eat some light food, avoid sex, and pay attention to the hygiene.


Commonly, when suffering from urethritis, women will classify it as gynecological disease. And after menopause, the chances of suffering from gynecological diseases will be reduced, so they think that the chances of suffering from urethritis can also be reduced. However, in fact, this argument is biased. Women are likely to suffer from urethritis after menopause. Then, how to treat urethritis for postmenopausal women? 

To know the treatment of this disease, firstly, patients need to be aware of the causes of the illness. 
In general, a lot of women will appear menopause phenomenon when they are over 45 years old, then they enter menopause. The menopause period lasts 10 – 20 years, during this period, due to the reduced secretion of sex hormones, the ovarian function will decline, leading to urogenital atrophy. Therefore, women are easy to appear the symptoms like vaginal dryness, itching, sexual difficulties, etc. At this time, vagina is easy to be invaded by the bacteria and inflammation, finally vaginitis can be caused. Besides, female genital organs are very close, the infections are likely to spread to the urinary tract organs, resulting in urethritis. 
When having the symptoms like frequency, urgency, burning sensation, many patients may choose frequently-used anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve these symptoms. In fact, at this time, patients should take a routine urianlysis and secretions culture to confirm the pathogens of the urethritis. 
If the disease is caused by reduced hormone, hormone therapy is necessary. As hormone is the main regulator of reproductive tract, it can effectively ease a lot of discomforts to some degree.
If the disease is caused by the bacteria, chlamydia, gonorrhoeae and mycoplasma, antibiotics are commonly used to treat the illness. However, after the menopause, with the declined function of human body, the functions of liver and kidney will be reduced as well. And as antibiotics can bring damage to liver and kidney, it isn’t a good choice for postmenopausal women with urethritis.
According to the medical report, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) is accepted by more and more patients. Take the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill for example, the herbal medicine has strong broad-spectrum antimicrobial, bactericidal effect, it can effectively kill the pathogens like bacteria, virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonorrhoeae, etc. Besides, it has functions like promoting diuresis and relieving stranguria, it can eliminate the symptoms of frequency and urgency. What is more, the herbal medicine is made from natural herbs; it is safe and without drug resistance and side effect to liver and kidney.
To sum up, if women have urethritis after menopause, they can choose the TCM to get cure. Besides, in the daily life, they should pay attention to food hygiene and take moderate exercise to enhance their immunity.
