


The of the worst habits that people have is not eating at the kitchen table. They are either standing to eat while doing other things or they are in front of the television. Experts say that generally people who eat while watching television eat larger servings of food. Our focus is on what we are watching, not what we are eating.

We need to move away from our family rooms and back into the kitchen. During this time eat slowly and spend some time with your family. Talk to the spouse and children. Pay attention to what you are eating as well as how much you are eating. When you eat slower, your stomach will have the time needed to signal you that you are full and you will not have over-eaten and feel miserable.

Your subconscious mind was strongly imprinted by your very early experiences of eating...your hunger pain went away...you felt pleasure...you became relaxed. From that time on, your subconscious mind associated food in your mouth with pleasure and relaxation. Now, as an adult, every time you feel nervous, stressed, or upset, you have a strong urge to put drink, or food into your mouth so you can experience those feelings of relaxation, and pleasure again.

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